Oasis Home Designs


Oasis Home Designs

New Jersey, Florida, & NY Metro Area

For nearly twenty years, Oasis Home Designs as been designing beautiful spaces in New Jersey, the NY Metro Area, and Florida, providing exceptional full-service interior design and custom furniture from their studio in Asbury Park, NJ. Whether working in modern, transitional, or even Victorian styles, Oasis Home Designs creates spaces that have an elegant simplicity unique to the firm’s founder and owner, Nancy Leffler-Mikulich, and that represent each clients’ unique needs and vision. Nancy’s goal is to make her client feel at home in their own house; as her firm’s motto states: “Sense of space…sense of place…come home to your senses.”


Photograph by Mike Van Tassell / mikevantassell.com


Nancy has always been a passionate creative. Her first career was in the music and entertainment industries, both on stage and behind the scenes, where she even performed in New York City nightclubs. Eventually, she returned to school to study interior design and earn her design degree. Now, Nancy has furthered her credentials by becoming a Certified Aging in Place Specialist. Nancy has even won awards for her lighting designs and showhouse designs such as this basement wine cellar which wowed the organizers of the showhouse and the people who toured the mansion.


Photograph by Peter Rymwid / www.PeterRymwid.com


To counteract the darkness of the basement, Nancy had to cleverly use eight layers of light and created a “window” by building out a feature wall and using rope LED lighting for her desired effect. To keep with the traditional, earthy aesthetic of the space, Nancy and her team created a beautiful grill covering for the window in a French style which possessed design references to Notre Dame. To take the design a step even further, every area of the wine cellar represented a wine region like California, Italy, France, and Germany. The showhouse organizers loved the space so much that Nancy’s wine cellar became one of the three premier rooms in the mansion.


Photograph by Mike Van Tassell / mikevantassell.com


But Nancy’s designs also excel in private residential homes. One of her favorite things to do when designing the interior of a home is to finish the space with some of the client’s heirlooms or precious possessions. For a riverfront home in New Jersey, this meant using the clients’ oversized framed map of Italy and a few other heirlooms including a Victorian floor lamp. Surrounding these special possessions, Nancy curated an array of classic modern pieces that exuded a sense of movement like the water of the estuary right outside the home.


Photograph by Mike Van Tassell / mikevantassell.com


When it comes to renovating historic homes, Nancy did excellent work with a Bauhaus style concrete home built in the 1950’s in Westchester, New York. The previous remodel of the kitchen had incorporated shades of deep green, pink, and white which were not pleasant to the eye. After demo’ing the old design, Nancy and her team built it back up with walnut cabinetry, a monolithic wall of cabinets, and new appliances. The finished space was simple, elegant, and minimalistic—perfectly in tune with the aesthetic of the rest of the home. The functionality of the space and the harmony between the clean lines of the kitchen and the view of the gorgeous green woods opposite pleased the clients immensely. In every project tackled, Oasis Home Designs exceeds expectations with their thoughtful interior designs; their work is truly a show of excellence.


View the incredible work of Oasis Home Designs at www.oasishomedesigns.com

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