What is the best kind of logo for your interior design business?

There's nothing worse than delaying the start-up of your business just because you do not have a logo ready. In my opinion, there is no need for you to design a logo or hire someone to make a logo when you are just getting started with your business and have no money saved up.

A professional logo design is going to run you somewhere around $200 to $2000 USD, depending on the logo designer. And if you are just getting your business started, there is literally no reason why you should take on that kind of expense. That money should be going towards other things that will actually bring you income later on. 

To get started, there are some really easy ways around getting a logo for your business:

  1. My favorite is just to pick a nice font, space out the letters a bit, and stick with that for the first few months. My favorite fonts are Futura Book for a minimalist aesthetic, which is what I use for my own businesses, or Garamond for a more classic look.

  2. Find a logo building tool online like Squarespace's Logo Maker. I believe it is only $10 to purchase once you build your own logo online, and tool is pretty simple to use. 

  3. Find a premade logo on a platform like Etsy. You simply find a design you like, and a designer will put together the logo files for you, like PNG, AI, and JPG files for your reference. Simply go to Etsy.com and search for a keyword like "premade logo" and you'll find thousands of options. 

Once you establish yourself as a business, making enough income per month to justify the cost, you can then hire a logo designer to make something custom for you. At that point, spending $200 or $500 or even $1000 might make financial sense. But when you are just getting started, avoid spending money on things that really won't convert towards getting new sales or new customers.