What are the most important pages for an Interior Design, Architecture, Photography or other Portfolio website?

As you prepare for your website, it’s good to limit the scope of your website and focus in on the most important things you need to say on your website.

The vast majority of your website visitors to your website will only look at 3 pages.

So if you had to only have 3 pages on your website, what would they be?

For most interior designers, architects, and other professionals, it will typically be: Home, Portfolio & Contact.

Below are typical industry average percentages on the numbers of visitors to your website will actually look at a particular page.

100% means 100% of the people who go to your website will view the page.

For instance, only 20% of web visitors will look at your Contact page.  And only 5% will bother to look at a Press page.

Home - 100%
Portfolio - 50%
Services - 25%
Contact - 20%
About (or Team) - 10%
Press - 5%
Blog - 1 to 5%
Resources - 1% 

So, as you prepare your website and decide how large your website should be, and what pages to include, you can look at the list above to determine which pages will be worth it for you to prepare your text & images for.