How many pages should your interior design website have?
/While most business owners initially think of all the possible website pages they could possibly have on their website, you likely need less than you think - at least on the first iteration of your website.
People only spend 3 minutes on your website
Here's the real stats on how people view websites on the first visit:
On a desktop or laptop, most new visitors to a website only look at about 2-3 pages on average, within 3 minutes.
On a smart phone or tablet, most new visitors only look at 1-2 pages on average, within 1 minute.
This means all of the other pages on your website are rarely being looked at. In fact, the average website has only 5% of visitors look at more than 3 pages.
Put your most important information on only 3 pages
Keep it short
Use bullet points
Split up text between 3 pages so it’s not overwhelming to people
The 3rd page should be your Contact page where you “invite” people to take the next step in getting in touch with you
Web pages you’ll need for your industry
For Professional Design services - like interior designers, architects, custom home builders - this means people typically only look at your Home Page, Portfolio, Services & Contact pages.
For Professional Financial & Medical service firms - like accountants, therapists, lawyers or chiropractors - the 4 most important pages instead are Home, Team, Services & Contact.
So if you are getting hung up on what pages to include on your website, remember that a simple 3-4 page website is enough to keep people's attention on their very first visit.
Think about this the next time you visit someone else's website. How many pages did you look at? If it's your first visit to that website, for the very first time, do you like at 1, 2, or 3 pages? What do you do what you go there? Do you fill out a form or sign up for an email newsletter?
When should you have more than 3-4 pages on your website?
Secondary web pages (pages that are less important on someone's first visit) are there for second or third visits, to come back for more information, to look at your Portfolio more closely, or to come back to view your latest blog post. Secondary pages typically include pages for: Blog, About, Press, Awards & Testimonials or other one-time-use Landing pages like “Download a Free PDF” or “Watch this free Webinar.”
Those secondary pages should instead be in the FOOTER if your website, where they don’t distract from the most important pages of your website.
If you are struggling to figure out what pages your website needs to have, try focusing it on the 3 to 5 most important pages that people would need to look at. Every other page or topic should be secondary. They should put together in downloadable PDFs, email marketing, a blog or secondary pages that people will view on their 2nd visit.
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