The best Call To Action phrases for Interior Designers
/Your business website is just one tool to capture leads, yet it is often the most important tool to drive new business and establish your firm as a leader in your industry.
To capture leads on your website, focus your website content towards leading visitors to take the "next step," such as setting up an initial phone call consultation, allowing people to sign up for an email newsletter, or allowing visitors to send a quick message through your website. The easier and more clear these "call to actions" appear on your website, the more likely people will use them.
Here are some of the best ways to capture leads on your website, and also techniques to avoid on your website:
4 ways you ruin chances of getting leads on your website
Offering no incentive to get in touch. Most business websites do not offer something helpful on their website that prove that your business has valuable information to offer. Instead of treating your website like a resume, informational catalog or merely a list of services, each page of your website should lead people to one, very easy action. A "call to action" button at the end of each page of your website can prevent web pages from being a dead-end.
Using only a "Contact Us" or "Learn More" button. While most people are going to look for your "Contact" page, it is often the very last step people take once they already know they want to get in touch with you. For everyone else, your website needs to use much more than just a "Contact Us" link. The majority of your website buttons should focus on things that encourage a specific action, such as "Schedule A Phone Call" or "Sign Up for Our Free Online Class." These specific types of buttons are much more likely to be clicked on because they direct the visitor to take a clear action on your website.
Not making your Call To Action button obvious. If people can't quickly find a button to click that will help them email you, call you, or fill out a simple form, they are very unlikely to do anything on your website. A clear "Get Started Now" button needs to be bigger than anything else on your website. It also needs to be a contrasting or bright color, and it needs to look like a rectangular or rounded button so people know exactly where to click and do it very quickly.
Requiring people to fill out super long forms. Almost no one wants to fill out a long form on your website. Long forms are typically done at the very end of a transaction, such as purchasing their items on your checkout page, or filling out a final form to prepare the drafting of an agreement. But when you are trying to capture new leads from your website, the shorter forms almost always work better than long forms.
3 of the Best techniques to capture leads on your website
Offer something free. Offer something like a free PDF download with insightful information, or a free phone consultation, or a free online video lesson. Whatever it is that you offer, the free content should be focused on educating your visitors by focusing on how you can help make their business or personal life easier, more effective, and more productive.
Use language that doesn't require a commitment. Asking your visitors to buy something right away, or sign some sort of non-disclosure, or fill out a long form is almost always going to scare people away. Instead, your website should focus on language that shows that your process is simple and straightforward. There shouldn't be a Sale that is offered right away. Instead, use terms such as "No obligation" or "Take the first step" or "Try this out today." The more open and inviting your language sounds, the more likely people will follow along.
Capture email address. Probably the most effective tool you can use on a website is a simple "Sign Up" form. And the easiest sign-up forms only require a simple single email address field. Once you capture an email address, you can later collect more information like a direct message, or their Zip code, or other helpful pieces of information. You can use the email addresses you collect to follow up with an email newsletter. But keeping your forms to just an email address is the best way to ensure the maximum amount of people sign up on your website.
Your website is one of the best ways to help people take the "next step" in learning more about what you offer. But it is almost never the "final step." So don't allow your website to be a dead end. Each page on your website should be a simple invitation to slowly move along in the process of becoming more educated, by helping your visitor learn about their options, compare prices, and become informed about your industry.
The more fluidly you allow your website visitors to take small, easy steps through a clear process on your website, the more likely they'll convert into a paying Client or Customer.