2 Payment Option
2 Payment Option
5 Primary Pages - Home, Portfolio, Services, About & Contact
Includes Copywriting
Add Project Galleries or Pages for just $120 each
Project Terms
Each website is designed to edit on your own.
Or get help at $120 per additional page or project.
Websites are all-inclusive.
Simply provide your photos & feedback.
Simple, Elegant Website Design
Complimentary Copywriting
Optional Splash Page if desired
Built With the Latest Technologies
Customized to iPhones, iPad & iMac
Hosting, Domain Name & Email Setup
Requires minimum $36 per month website hosting fee.
Project Terms
The average website currently takes 8 weeks to complete. However, we will be available up to 6 months from your Start Date in order to account for any times you are busy with installs, family emergencies, medical emergencies, vacations, and other normal pauses. After 6 months, additional edits are billed at $120 per hour.
Third-party resources
Any third-party images, logos, icons or fonts used on your website require a commercial license or explicit rights to use on your website. You will responsible for these items when they are published and used on your website. We recommend using our pre-approved font list to avoid any issues with font ownership.