Company Name & Logo
The name of the company is Justin Page Wood. The name should always be spelled fully. Use the logo above as the only official version of the logo as a PNG or JPG file.
The JPW logo is only used when legibility would be severely compromised if spelled out fully.
Website Design for Interior Designers. Use the PNG file above if needed as a graphic.
Leadership Position
The team at Justin Page Wood has designed over 520 websites for interior designers throughout the United States & Canada.
Justin Page Wood is an American website design company headquartered in Dallas, Texas, that designs simple, clean, luxury websites for interior designers in the United States and Canada.
There are only two fonts used in all Justin Page Wood branding.
Futura Medium is used for Headings in all capital letters with a 1px font spacing.
Futura Book is used for all paragraphs with a 0.5px font spacing.
There should be no other variations.
There is no specific spacing for branding.
Spacing should be as spacious as possible without being overly dramatic.
There are only two colors in Justin Page Wood branding: Pure Black and Pure White.
Black has a hex code of #000 and White has a hex code of #fff.
Images of websites are only to be used with the approval of the CEO. Images of websites are either shown on an iPad or as a stand-alone image. The iPad is the best possible way to display a website, and will not be shown on any other device.